El Valiente Teaser - TEASER DOS!!!

So here it is, a day late and a dollar short, but here nonetheless.
I managed to steal this advance copy from the director, seeing as he has a thing about perfection...this is a sort of Teaser TEASER...I hope you enjoy it...the file is rather large so give it a good while to load...that's what I get for trying to do this myself..heh...but it's well worth the wait...also, please excuse the resolution of the piece, it is as of yet unfinished and so it looks pretty raw...
next up...El Valiente...THE MOVIE!!!
You know what? My PC is lacking the audio speakers right now so I'm sure I missed some evocative music but this trailer looks kick ass! Without the music or sound I thought there was a little drag in the set up with the trees and what not but maybe I was missing some narrative. You shoud get some like LOBO or Angel to narrate the intro somewhat like the voice at the beginning of the first CONAN movie. "and so the Gods left behind the enigma of steel"! Can't wait to see more!
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