EL Valiente en...BUENOS DIAS!

So here we go, the long awaited El Valiente mini movie!!!
This is the first of various mini movies we have planned...the first one is entitled "El Valiente en: BUENOS DIAS"
please take the time to check it out and be sure to email me if you have any comments about the film!
I want to also take this time to thank everyone who came by our table at the Nacho Libre premiere! Thanx for picking up issues of Fusiion X in which EL Valiente makes his first stateside appearance! I hope you guys enjoyed the book and all the stories contained therein, and I also hope you enjoyed the goodies you got along with purchase of the book, your posters, and also sketches, and if you were lucky enough to get a picture taken with El Valiente himself!!!
El Valiente had a blast of a time and he's hoping to be at the next premiere which should be SUPERMAN RETURNS!
Post your commentary up on the blog or email me at Orpheushadow@yahoo.com or Project4Publishing@yahoo.com and title the subject line EL Valiente!
and now...enjoy the film!!!
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