Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Tonal of my mind Vs the Nagual of my heart...

Ive been away from this blog for quite sometime, but now I have decided to return to it, to get the cricks our of my writing and to vent, which is what I usually will use it lets get right into it as I discuss whatever is on my this case...envy and jealousy in the El Paso artistic community...

Others would love nothing more than your failure, others would sell their very souls to damn you and curse you with some sort of karmatic retribution, but there is no such thing, there is nothing other than what you decide and what you choose...

They sit in their little web of deceit and polish their shiny armor of diseased ideas, when the green tarnish that is their own jealousy will never, ever be rubbed out...

They are little men of little thought and fragile vision who would quickly bring their wrath down upon those who would question their humility and borrowed ideas. Christ like they are not, martyrs they can only hope to become in the eyes of those who have fallen for their charismatic chicanery.

Why am I writing about this you may ask, because we all have come across these petty tyrants, the ones with the Napoleonic complex, although they try to hide it as best as they can in others inadequacies, I'm not saying I'm a saint, but dammit, I am what I am, and I can be bad at times...but to blame one's inferiorities on others strengths and believe this to be truth, well then...who is the real asshole there?

Your withered beliefs that what you do is just and true is what condemns your attempts at the fantastic to failure, what attracts those with mediocrity running through their veins to join your caustic cause, you may trace your lineage to the upper echelon of greatness, and yet, your own disastrous meagerness is what you stare at in the mirror each morning, when the noose would be a welcome and admirable alternative to the irrefutable shortcomings you possess!

Why this, why now you may ask? Because I sometimes find all of these items present in my own life, in my personality, in the mirror when I dare look into it, but at least I realize that where I’m going, I may need these traits to survive, when others would prefer to hide them under the veil of self important decency.

A spiritual misgiving that by preaching the word with the lights on and not knowing the darkness, that one’s own dark tendencies will not be revealed. Do not reject that which you are, just like a coin, there are two sides to everyone and in knowing so, one can better accept who they are and live a better life.

The Tonal and the Nagual, the light and the dark, what rests on top of the table and what lies below?